Sunday, March 31, 2013

3rd Party Unique Toys UT-W01 War Hawk (Not Divebomb)

3rd party Unique Toys War Hawk (Not DiveBomb)
Will form Warlord (Not Predaking) with his 4 other beast friends.

Let's look at what Unique toys has to offer...
The box is not exactly TakaraTomy or even some of the better 3rd party boxes.
Spelling errors all over the box.
Overall feel of the box is like a cheap K.O

The photo print at the side of the box is of a low resolution.

Back of the box...don't really know what the words are saying: " No member of the war hawk has struggled with a sense of identity quite like war hawk."  ???

Artwork spans from the front to the side. Art work is nice but the printing disappoints.

The Bio card. Card is of lower quality.

Instruction cum comic booklet.

a 4 page comic...3.5 to be exact.

Transformation is very easy. How difficult can it get when there only 5 steps for each mode?

War Lord's (not Predaking) left fist/hand...

The sword for the bird man...

 Now, for the bot...Articulation at the shoulders, elbows, waist, knees and feet. "Feathers" on the wings can be spread open.

Head sculpt is rather clean.

Not much details on this piece.

CHUG open fists/hands.

Alternate Hawk mode.

The talons.

A closer look at the hawk's head.

Beak can open/close.

Like i mentioned earlier, feathers can spread open.

War Lord's left arm.

The connector that fits into Not Razorclaw.

The design is not bad but i have to comment on the box etc.
Printing is poor. The plastic used for War Hawk is crappy. the figure feels very light, probably some cheapo plastic. Of coz we welcome the articulation. This is fighting directly with MMC's version of Predaking. Is this better or MMC? I'll wait til all 5 figure are out than decide. We have to see Not Predaking first!!

Transformers Masterpiece MP-16 Frenzy & Buzzsaw

Transformers Masterpiece MP-16 Frenzy & Buzzsaw
Still having a difficult time call the blue bot frenzy as to me RIBFIR!
This comes hand in hand with MP-13 Soundwave and MP-15 Rumble & Ravage.
Nothing much to talk about here. Frenzy is a recolor of Rumble and Buzzsaw is a recolor of Laserbeak.

First up, the box...

The coin...

The Bio Card

Pictures on the instruction sheet...

Frenzy & Buzzsaw unpacked...

Frenzy cassette mode

Bot mode

Buzzsaw Cassette mode

Falcon mode.

I still have to say, my favourite move for this mode will be that Laserbeak/Buzzsaw is not a partsformer. Really like the design on the bird.