It's been awhile since my last blog entry. was busy with work big time.
finally had some time to take some photos, and write about transformer hauls.
Remember the ehobby clampdown and deep cover? the same buddy of mine managed to snag the following Vintage Takara boxed. 38: Blaster; 39: Perceptor and 47: Grapple.
The vintage Hot rod was bought locally at one of the days at CSC.
Nice pieces, really love the styro inserts.
Next up, is a nice European Boxed Headmaster Apeface. Complete with papers and bubble. This was off a friend who is not really into transformers but bought this years ago for some unknown reason…Sold me for cost price at prices probably 5 - 7 years ago. In very nice condition as well!

stuffs bought from ebay…ehobby Silver streak and Gold Jazz.
Still into the G1 1984 Autobot cars, i've been staring at these for quite awhile wasting efforts and missed opportunities, i put m foot down and finally managed to get them both.
Gold Jazz is MISB but for some reason, the Gold has somewhat lost it's shine, becoming a dull shiny gold, not to the extent of matt gold…yet. Not really a fan of Jazz's mold actually. The title of the best mold til date still belongs to………...
Streak! This piece is MIB with sticker applied. Chrome is nice….and i really love the mold! you'll see later on...
Then comes the bigger prizes….got myself locally the MISB Pre-rub streak and MISB pre-rub Prowl.
For streak, the tape at the sides have dried up and dropped off naturally, the bubble has fell off too…For prowl, the tapes are still intact! a toy, MISB from 1984…coming to about 30 years old!! The bubble has dropped off as well…but i'm not ready to open up Prowl, yet. Streak on the other hand since the tapes has dropped off, i opened it. For more details, i'll share more on a separate post.
Then comes my addiction: Starscream, got this off ebay at a steal, (in fact, all these here are acquired at a steal!! a friend mentioned that i'm recently quite lucky in TF acquisitions! oh yeah!) Complete with complete papers. Pre-rubs are really the masterpiece of G1 TFs. I often refer them to poison, once you own one, you can't stop.
The last piece which i'm going to mention here would be the rarest in this round of acquisitions.
The Diaclone Blue Swoop. Comes in a nice box with a nice insert. Papers are complete as well as the complete toy. Toy is used with the used sticker sheet. Really really happy to lay my hands on one of these.
Really excited about the Diaclone Swoop, and of course the pre-rubs…gosh, i'm really poisoned now…there's a few people i need to blame but i'm not gonna mention names….you know who you are….hahahahahaha