Some of my hauls a friend to get all these at the best price available. (hopefully!)

Introducing first: Masterpiece Ghost Starscream!
This has to be my favourite piece!
Got 2 pieces of the villianous bugger!
A cool figure and it's not as fragile or breakable as it fact i find it more sturdy than the first MP starscream...

War For Cyberton Optimus Prime
Very good mold with a challenging transformation.
Cool figure too but really needs a good paint job.

Generations Thrust.
Same mold as Henkei/Universe Ramjet. (actually i never played with a conehead before as mine are all still MOSC)
But being very similar to a starscream mold, i could transform it easily...
No complains on this fella though...

Generations Drift
Don't know about this guy much.
The transformation is okay and the car mode is mode is abit somewhat different form the usual prowls, swipes and streakers...
The sword plus pair of daggers....C-O-O-L!

Alternity Starscream
Though i'm a Starscream fan/slut, this has to be the worst of all so far.
I tried transforming it once, after i got it out of the box/tray.
And hell, i would probably never ever transform it again...joints are loose, the doors drop easily..and the four spider, are there any non-blind QC at hasbro?
i had to color the top 2 eyes black to make it look so much more easy on my eyes...
a flimsy figure...the only factor that would salvage this fella is the design...otherwise, nuts!